Delicious kebab recipe🍗!
Learn how to make this delicious kebab recipe, perfect for any BBQ or occasion! It is really easy to make, just follow along with these steps! -

Ingredients -
Chicken breast
Peri Peri pre made marinade
Array of coloured peppers
Kebab sticks
Method -
Slice small chunks of chicken breasts.
Evenly scatter the pre-made marinade (add more for extra spice and flavour).
Coat the chicken so they are fully covered.
Leave them in containers in the fridge for at least 2 hours to marinade (the longer the better).
After they have had time to marinade, pre heat the oven to around 180 degrees.
Next, cut small chunks of the pepper and chorizo (you could also use other vegetables instead of pepper, for example, onion and tomatoes).
Then, place the chicken, chorizo and pepper on to a kebab stick (they should look something like the picture above).
Cover them over with kitchen foil.
Place them in the oven for 35 - 40 minutes.
And enjoy 😊!
You can serve them with -
Sweet potato wedges
If you have any questions or recipe suggestions, email us
Make sure to check out our other recipes -