Curly/ frizzy hair guide 💇🏽♀️!
Frizzy hair can be a real pain, especially when you are unsure how to deal with it! So here are our best tips for frizzy and curly hair!

Our personal favourite products-
Garnier ultimate blends hair food, coconut and macadamia range
Coconut oil stops the hair from absorbing water, especially in humid climates, which can help prevent frizz.
Damaged hair tends to look frizzy, even in dry weather. Coconut oil can penetrate the hair shaft and can also help smooth damaged, uneven hair.
Argan oil is high in antioxidants, essentially fatty acids, and vitamin E, so it helps to hydrate and soften hair. It restores the hair's elasticity and shine, minimises frizz, and can even soothe a dry, itchy scalp.
Brush your hair in the evening, and not in the morning, to minimise frizz.
Silk scrunchies and pillowcases, as they fight frizz by helping your hair retain moisture. Silk is also a friction-free material that allows your hair to glide and move freely over the pillowcase while you sleep. Meaning less snagging and damage which, as you've probably guessed, means less frizz!
Sleep with your hair plaited to avoid knots, and create beautiful waves for the morning!
Don't dry your hair with a towel, use something softer. The coarse texture and dryness of a cotton or terry cloth towel can cause damage to the hair. This can worsen split ends and cause small craters along the hair shaft, weakening the hair. Noticeable signs of damage are dry hair and frizz.
A big thanks to Flo for helping us with this blog! We hope this has helped, if so use the #Maplem